Primordial life can dazzle

In natures Grant(h), on the True Path of Nature, it is all in a good measure to match up with the needs of life for the existance of all beings and things. Even when so small as to be insignificant, the values are precise and defined, taking the smallest points into consideration and they are precise and meticulous. For a true fullfillment of vows to each other, because an individual has no favourable or fixed position by birth, in natures Grant(h), on its course of survival, which demands a fulfilment of vows, other than the gender, in playing the game. A mature haploid male or female germ cell which is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote. It is the game of truly fulfilling the vows to each other and life will go on. 

Botany can tell that there is no love, no religion and no crime. 

Primordial life can dazzle, without the scent of sweet or bitter wine and without the ornamental items or a kind or a flower. It is strict and simple. In every way, it is right, real and true. I can tell, surely, botany is a good beginning of all products of nature, to ensure ecological sustainability of the planet and for its’ applications on technology, to avoid a depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. For plants do live and survive in circumstances in which something is necessary. The order of things in natures Grant(h), on the True Path of Nature, is the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method; a state, in which everything is in its correct or appropriate place. As such, we do not get involved in the luxury of all or any of the accidents. We respect the necessities that are essential for all life systems and the things of the non living that make life possible. The structure of the school of natural sciences is correlated to the structures of nature and its constituents that fulfil their vows, but as the structure of humanities is merely a conceptualisation of mostly abstract thoughts that precipitate dysfunctional behaviour, it obviously comes to be a hotbed for psychopaths, where the activists of a non scientific mind and body are bred. We are therefore ‘Singh’ and ‘Kaur’ but not of the status of kings or queens or princes or princesses, nor any other member of such a family and their court. We are real and we are true to our being. We are not of the church or the religions and therefore we do not get involved in their crimes of deception, illusion and fraud. Therefore, our democracy has no place or room for their cabinet of ministers, nor their mobs, nor the shepherds that look after and keep together their parlamentary flocks and herds of a common livestock. They run their politics as the small mammals may indulge in mobbing to rid themselves of a fear and intolerence of the human rights declaration. 

And that is why, we make our deals for a lifetime, as long as we can remember, to ensure the benefits of natures Grant(h). We share and share alike, gains as well as losses. The components and constituents, in natures Grant(h) fulfil their vows truthfully, on the True Path of Nature, because in the long run, natures Grant(h) is the state of balance in which each process and its reverse occurs at equal rates, so that no overall change takes place. We should not seek short term gains, because the benefit from it, will be balanced with a loss ultimately. Thereof, there was never a gain. A short term gain, at someone else’s expense has to be repaid. It has to be compensated one way or the other. Everyone should do right. However, in the nature of being inexperienced we can learn by making mistakes which is why everyone can mistake the nature of relationships, and the crimes of deception, illusion and fraud. 

 If we do not live to learn, we cannot learn to live. 

Since none should be deprived of the right to a life by having to starve or be without a roof over the head. The place is thus also a meeting place, to socialise with others and develop one’s need for self-realization. It is about satisfying each individual’s basic needs in a  nourishing manner. This service, of natures Grant(h) on the True Path of Nature, in its current form, has been going on for more than all the years, before the coming of mankind. With food and shelter, we follow the True Path of Nature, to fulfill our vows to each other, that none should be deprived of the right to one’s life, by having to starve or to be assissinated. Or be without a roof over the head. And the place gives every opportunity to those who want to be for themselves, to muse, think, reflect, in seeking a meaning of life, as there are places in every nearby park, for visitors to the temple, basically for rest and tranquility, but also to socialise in the makings of a sangat, the community of scholars, for a general, borderless republic of universal learning. 

Therefore, an institution of a family, cannot have any dominant role, or a place to rule or decide for a community of scholars, in a republic of learning, other than by participating as individuals. Only as equals to any other in a democratic process, when given the authority to take responsibility as adults. Because, it is when everyone speaks the truth, everyone  can go with the flow and avoid falling into conflicts of interest. Since accidents have no necessary connection to the essence of the culture and the flow of learning, to uphold the criteria for external survival and internal integration. It is one lifelong fun-culture. All in the thought and in natures way, the evolution of life is a course of fulfilment in vows, we can perceive with our five senses. But we are still vulnerable to affinity fraud, whatever it is? It is fraud that targets people belonging to a particular community or group, typically that in which someone pretends to be a member of the group in order to gain the trust of others as in the dangers of pyramid schemes and affinity fraud among the falsely allied politicians, the monarchy and the church. If we leave room for opportunists, to take advantage of a situation, or opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle and for populists, appealing to ordinary members, we are vulnerable. 

Natures Grant(h), which is the physical order of nature, our environment, is harmonious and the True Path of Nature is the self-regulating system and since we all fulfill our vows in the balance of naked truth complying to common sense, we should avoid every trap of speculative finances. We need practical finances based on practical realism. The need of a payment system administered by an institution, such as a bank, with a currency, shows that people are not reliable in the process of maintaining an equitable flow of exchange, when it comes to pay their dues and to fulfil their vows  fairly in natures Grant(h), on the True Path of Nature. In natures Grant(h) there is no currency other than the use of energy that is needed to encourage or discourage a change of value, or for the exertion of force in the process of ensuring an exchange, a transformation, or some transfer or transaction. We should follow the course of fulfilling our vows, to sustain a coalition of the vegetables and the animals, in order to survive the challenges of life in natures Grant(h). Because, natures Grant(h), on the True Path of Nature, does not know of suspicion, nor doubt. But, since all constituents, of natures Grant(h), have from the beginnings of time and evolution of the living, followed a course of fulfilment of vows, to each other by energising, strengthening and by restoring the relationships built on a mutual trust and respect that exists everywhere, natures Grant(h) is as such, an arrangement held in trust for the living on this planet. 

Keeping in mind, this is natures way and it will never change. 

We could have an egalitarian running or a regime and make public a persuasive case for our independence from the offices of the monarchy and the church with its ministers. Because the state should give everyone the opportunity for serious intellectual  consideration, to link freedom to common sense and the truth about a political identity. We have all the time to complete the course of fulfilling our vows, with a fairness to each other. As a bond of the game mates, secured with the loss of massive energy. For life was once conceived in an ocean. That is true, with a pregnancy, given the confidence to carry it responsibly, with a preparedness, for a course of fulfilment in vows to each other, and in a natural manner deliver another descendent safely, with all respect to each other. 

To make a right, real and true scholar, with all of the five senses should merge on one’s space-time-line, without a break in any of the strings that link all the five life lines, having the qualities of our life jackets that are compatible to a five-point harness for its  preferred safety mechanisms for protection. The only problem is that human beings tend to make themselves the measure of all things, implying that things, which do not measure unto the human beings do not exist or cannot or should not exist. Religions commit crimes of non-inclusion. As in the different debates of justice, everyone implies, what is true for me is true for all and if what you say, does not measure equally, is false. The prosecutors prosecute, because they measure the truth of their own findings truthful to accuse the prosecuted. Yet, the defence claims innocence, on the grounds that the prosecutors truth is false in reference to the measure of the truth of human beings. If a prosecutor is not a human being, what is a human being? 

I think, if truth be told, we are all a little afraid of the truth. 

For it is known natural selection arising through preference by one sex for certain characteristics in individuals of the other sex that by sex may give rise to a distinct form resulting from genetic mutation or by artificially changing the structure of a gene, to result in a variant form to be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes:and mutations. 

But all of that comes by paying a high price to pay for the future generations if the the genetic codes for a welfare state and the system statutory procedure or social efforts designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need, is distorted. A pregnancy is all about the the protection of rights to education, housing, and welfare. From the moment of fertilisation to the start of life as a physically separate being. And from there and then the developement of a human being. A malformation is an abnormally formed part of the body. 

Indeed, sex and mutations provide variety and diversity but at a high price for future generations to pay tomorrow, if welfare is allowed to lag just because we do not want to pay for it today.

I repeat, Sex and mutations really provide variety and diversity but at a high price for future generations to pay tomorrow, if welfare is allowed to drag on just because we do not want to pay for it today.

KSP – Kuldip Singhs Party, 

är anmäld till kommande val, till Europaparlamentet, 2024-09-06. En röst för KSP är en röst för ’Transparent Funktionalism’: 

Med Transparent Funktionalism hävdar jag att ändamålet, dvs funktionen, skall bestämma formen och det skall vara genomlysande, dvs transparent. Det ska vara lätt att förstå vad EU sysslar med och att EU’s kontakt med allmänheten ska vara sådan att den vanliga medborgaren skall kunna påverka beslut som tas inom EU, på ett sätt att intressekonflikter inte uppstår.

Jag går till val på en enda fråga, nämligen mordet på Olof Palme. Kuldip Singh.

Följ KSP’s valkampanj på

Som en mellanstatlig eller överstatlig organisation, är EU en mycket kostnadskrävande institution och därmed ett system eller styrelseform där de flesta viktiga beslut fattas av ett statligt ministerstyre, dvs  inom ramen av denna regionala mellanstatliga institution och de olika organ, där demokratiskt valda representanterna från de nationella medlemsländernas regeringar förhandlar med varandra, och de statliga tjänstemän, snarare än av folkvalda. Utan tvekan råder det ett enormt demokratiskt underskott, särskild ifråga om vad som förväntas, avseende statlig myndighets kontakt med allmänheten. När det gäller representations demokrati inom Europeiska unionen, EU, baseras kritiken på att den vanliga medborgarens uppfattning är, att EU-institutionerna saknar tillgänglighet eller representation – att det finns en klyfta mellan dessa institutioners befogenheter och medborgarnas upplevda oförmåga att påverka beslut som tas, på EU nivå och inom dessa institutioner. Beslut, som de facto ska sedan verkställas på de olika nivåerna i de olika medlemsländerna, inom EU. 

För att belysa i huvuddragen, vad EU har betytt eller betyder för Dig, följer här, på engelska, en kortfattad summering om, EU’ s tillkomst och vad EU står för.

Marshall Plan Official (name European Recovery Program) A programme of financial aid and other initiatives, sponsored by the US, designed to boost the economies of western European countries after the Second World War. It was originally advocated by Secretary of State George C. Marshall and passed by Congress in 1948. 

European Coal and Steel Community (abbreviation ECSC) An organisation established in 1952 to regulate pricing, transport, and tariffs for the coal and steel industries of the member countries. 

European Parliament The Parliament of the European Union, originally established in 1952. From 1958 to 1979 it was composed of representatives drawn from the parliaments of member countries, but since 1979 direct elections have taken place every five years. Through the Single European Act (1987) it assumed a degree of sovereignty over national parliaments. It meets in Strasbourg, and its committee is in Brussels.

European Economic Community (abbreviation EEC) An institution of the European Union, an economic association of western European countries set up by the Treaty of Rome (1957). The original members were France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

European Atomic Energy Community (abbreviation Euratom) An institution established in 1957 to aid the exploitation of nuclear discoveries in Europe.

European Investment Bank A bank set up in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome to finance capital investment projects promoting the balanced development of members of the European Community. It is based in Luxembourg.

The European Community (abbreviation EC)  An institution formed in 1967 from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Economic Community (EEC), and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom); it comprises also the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Court of Justice. Until 1987 it was still commonly known as the EEC. The name ‘European Communities’ is still used in legal contexts where the three distinct organizations are recognized. 

European Space Agency (abbreviation ESA) An organisation set up in 1975 to coordinate the national space programmes of the collaborating countries. It is based in Paris.

European Monetary System (abbreviation EMS) A monetary system inaugurated by the European Community in 1979 to coordinate and stabilize the exchange rates of the currencies of member countries, as a prelude to monetary union. It is based on the use of the Exchange Rate Mechanism.

The European Union (abbreviation EU)  A union created on 1 November 1993, with the coming into force of the Maastricht Treaty. It encompasses the old European Community (EC) together with two intergovernmental ‘pillars’ for dealing with foreign affairs and with immigration and justice. Now, it has 27 member states.

Eurozone The economic region formed by those member countries of the European Union that have adopted the euro.

European Monetary Union (abbreviation EMU) A European Union programme intended to work towards full economic unity in Europe based on the phased introduction of a common currency (the euro). The programme was announced in 1989; the second stage came into effect on 1 January 1994 under the terms of the Maastricht Treaty, and in 2002 the euro replaced the currencies of twelve European Union countries.

Euro (abbreviation/symbol € ) The single European currency, which replaced the national currencies of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands in 2002. Nineteen member states of the European Union now use the euro.

Euromarket A financial market which deals with Eurocurrencies. The European Union regarded as a single commercial or financial market.

European Commission A group, appointed by agreement among the governments of the European Union, which initiates Union action and safeguards its treaties. It meets in Brussels.

European Commission for Human Rights An institution of the Council of Europe, set up under the European Convention on Human Rights to examine complaints of alleged breaches of the Convention. It is based in Strasbourg.

European Convention on Human Rights An international agreement set up by the Council of Europe in 1950 to protect human rights. Under the convention were established the European Commission for Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights.

European Court of Human Rights An institution of the Council of Europe, set up to protect human rights in conjunction with the European Commission for Human Rights. The court, based in Strasbourg, is called to give judgement in cases where the commission has failed to secure a settlement.

European Court of Justice An institution of the European Union, with thirteen judges appointed by its member governments, meeting in Luxembourg. Established in 1958, it exists to safeguard the law in the interpretation and application of Community treaties.

European Council A grouping of the heads of government of the European Union countries, inaugurated in 1975, which meets two or three times a year.

Europeanise Give someone or something a European character or scope. 

European Relating to or characteristic of Europe or its inhabitants: – the culture and history of the European peoples. Relating to the European Union: – the European currency – a native or inhabitant of Europe – national of a state belonging to the European Union – a person who is committed to the European Union – a person of European parentage

Europhile  A person who admires Europe or is in favour of participation in the European Union.

Europhobe A person having a strong dislike of Europe or opposing participation in the European Union.

Eurosceptic A person who is opposed to increasing the powers of the European Union.

Eurocentric Focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world; implicitly regarding European culture as pre-eminent:

Eurovision A network of European television production administered by the European Broadcasting Union.

European chameleon Also called Chameleon vulgaris. A small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change colour.

European tortoise Also called Testudo graeca. A slow-moving typically herbivorous land reptile of warm climates, enclosed in a scaly or leathery domed shell into which it can retract its head and thick legs.


Demokratism är de röst berättigades benägenhet för demokratiska åsikter.

Med demokratiskt underskott, menas en brist på demokrati. Vanligen avses länder utan fria val men ibland också förhållanden i länder med parlamentarisk, formell, indirekt och representativ demokrati. Uttrycket kan också syfta på en allmän, vardaglig känsla av maktlöshet och brist på inflytande. Med skendemokrati menas ett odemokratiskt system med demokratisk ytbeläggning.

Använd en blank valsedel.

Välkommen till ett naturskönt jordeliv, för att födas och att leva i fred. 

Mirri vårdar och Du kan dricka och äta allt som kommer från Din jord där växterna trivs och frodas. Som barn ska Du livnära Dig på det som är nyttigt och gott året runt, varje årshjul. Språket får Du av att härma alla ljud Du hör, där Du är. När Du är tillräcklig stark, kan Du sträcka på Dig och börja gå omkring och upptäcka Dina skogs- och ängsmarker, i ett unikt växtsamhälle med inslag i kulturlandskapet. Hos Mirri är Du trygg och få vänta på att gå i skolan för att forma och bilda Dig. Du ska lära Dig under hela Ditt långa liv och ta för Dig av allt som kommer från kunskapskällan – naturen, som Du ska leva i blott en gång.

Pirri skyddar och förstärker Din trygghet hos Mirri, även i ett främmande land. Dina kläder och andra tyg skyddar och håller Din kroppsvärme liksom en bostad som skyddar Dig mot väder och vind. Det är viktigt att Du får bra sömn och känner ingen oro när Du växer. När Du är tillräcklig stor kan Du få pengar att handla för. Lön är inkomst Du kan få av den som vill betala ett pris för det arbete Du utför. Arbete är därför, energimängden som omsätts för att generera ett ekonomiskt värde, i form av varor eller tjänster, på en arbetsplats. Den erfarenhet Du får, tillsammans med vad Du lär Dig där, skall kunna ge Dig ett yrke. Om Du studerar och vidareutbildar Dig, finns studiestöd att få. Det är också en form av inkomst.

Gå på Party. Det är viktigt att umgås, så att Du får kontakt med andra människor. Det är en fördel att Du sköter Din hygien om Du vill socialisera Dig och komma någon nära. Annars blir det inga barn. Lär Du Dig känna många kan Du ha nytta av det nätverk som skapas. Ett mått på acceptans i Din omgivning är Ditt sociala nätverk och vad Du kan göra med det. Det är även bra träning för att kunna förstå vad samhället kräver av Dig i form av normer och roller i en föränderlig värld. Till exempel som att passa tider och kunna förstå och tala med andra men också att leka på samma villkor med ömsesidig respekt. Du vet att Du är och blir vad Du var.

Gå med i en Club. Myndigheter som beslutar om tillstånd vill att Du uppfyller krav på skyldigheter för att Du ska få speciella rättigheter. Tillsammans med andra, ingår Du, i ett samhälle där människor bestämmer om regler och lagar. Avtal är en överenskommelse och demokrati är ett spel där varje individ får samma rättigheter som de övriga individerna i samhället. Rösträtt är en sådan rättighet för varje myndig person såsom medborgare i en nation eller en landsman/-kvinna i ett landskap eller medlem i en kommun. Det ger Dig en möjlighet att påverka Din egen och Dina barns utveckling men också Ditt nätverks och hela samhällets utveckling.

Förverkliga Dig själv. Utbildning och fortbildning förbättrar Dina förmågor, kvalitéer och Din kompetens inom en profession och ett yrke och främst, som person. Under hela Din livstid, går Du i lära och tänker på Din hälsa. Med sunda vanor och aktiviteter åldras Du och som pensionär, med alla Dina titlar, kan Du sedan tänka tillbaka på allt Du har gjort då Du kan trona på minnen från Dina fornstora dagar. Du får omsorg för den Du är när Du känner Dig ålderstigen och ändå kunna fortsätta göra något meningsfullt av all den fritid Du har. För att Dina förfäder eller Du, kom till ett land som luffare, hemlös och vandrare. Där Dina barn och barnbarn föddes och har fått ett hem. Där Du har Din himmel, Din sol och Dina ängar och skogar. Där Du har levat och kan dö gammal, fri, nöjd, glad, frisk och lycklig. 

Lär Dig och lev väl. Säg Din mening.

Din President.

Femtiofem års integration till det svenska samhället är en lång tid.

Jag fortsätter min kamp för en rättfärdig sak

och tar på mig rättfärdighet som mina kläder,

ty rättvisa är min mantel och min turban.

Utan att handla i hemligt samförstånd, 

ty sanningen är enkel och nykter, rimlig och logisk. 

Den överensstämmer med verkligheten.

PHERO is to convey or to carry.

If ‘transport’ is to take or carry people or goods from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship, ‘transparent’ is to allow light to pass through a material or article so that objects behind can be distinctly seen, by the observer or a perceiver that consciously or subconsciously becomes aware or conscious of the material or article and as such come to realise or understand the set of circumstances in which one finds oneself or the state of affairs. The material object or article is easy to perceive or detect. As a message transmitted from a person to another, is easy to perceive and understand. If ‘parent’ is a source or origin of a smaller or less important part, bringing forth and if ‘trans’ is to carry and ‘port’ is a place, there is an ability for the material or article to move or be moved freely and easily, between the places. Consequently, if ‘trans’ is to carry and ‘parent’ is to be a source or origin of a smaller or less important part, what is carried, or having the ability to move or be moved freely and easily, between sources or origins, of a smaller or less important part, should be easily perceived or understood, in the same manner. The matter, material or article should be clear, self-evident, or apparent passing through the middle quality or state between two extremes, or the agency or means of doing something between places. What is communicated or expressed, in other words is truly or reasonably well balanced, on both the sides during the process of travelling or transporting something between two places, or the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium, as the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings. It should not be opaque, cloudy, obscure, ambiguous, arrant, cunning or secretive, to give rise to a sense of imbalance in thought or any kind of an exchange or interaction between people, animals, plants and places. Bringing forth a generation from a source or origin to generation, should be a state in which a process and its reverse are occurring at equal rates so that no overall change is taking place in natures Grant(h) on the True Path of Nature. A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced over time. The main task of the living organisms is therefore, the maintenance of social equilibrium, in natures Grant(h), which is the state of physical balance, when the True Path of Nature is the physical force regarded as causing and regulating the phenomena of the world and the universe, as opposed to humans or human creations.

“The taste of nakedness is a brief experience of something, conveying its basic character”.